July 30, 2009

The Continuum - Japanese Multicolor LED Watch

The Continuum - Japanese Multicolor LED WatchIntroducing The Continuum, a red, yellow, and green LED watch from the future which manifests the nucleus of cool by reinventing how we tell time. You mean this watch really tells the time? Yes. Even though The Continuum symbolizes herculean style and front-trend design with its hypnotic red, yellow, and green LEDs encased in argentum hues (like colliding subatomic particles in a swirling soup of primordial matter), this Japanese LED watch does in fact tell the time and does so really efficiently too!

Tap the display button on the right side of the timepiece and watch the screen light up. The red squares represent hours. The yellow squares represent 5 minute intervals and the green lights represent 1 minute intervals. It's not 1:16pm! It's yellow, red, red, red, green pm! How's that for grand unified awesomeness?

Alluring to behold you must be careful though. When you look into this watch, this watch also looks into you! Of course you needn't be Dr. Who or a Starship Captain who was assimilated by the Borg to wear this watch. In fact this watch is perfect for your average geneticist, botnet herder, Firefly fan, uber geek, Hugo award winner, or anybody who is a somebody.

[Product Page]

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