January 20, 2009
Start Spying or Do Some Personal Investigation wth Obama Buckle Spy Camera
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Here come the Obama Buckle Spy Camera with digital audio video recorder. The belt, with hidden camera and a microSD supporting up to 8 GB of memory, allow you to spy or to do your personal investigation perfectly by just using its hidden camera and mic.
Obaba Buckle DVR a handsome black man face have a hidden camera and a micro DVR built in. you can take Hidden Video with Audio with our Obaba Buckle DVR for Spy or Investigation it gives you the ability to perform personal investigation, conduct secret video surveillance or for any ideal covert operation where gathering evidence is important. Ideal for hidden camera use where wireless camera can be detected easily with a wireless camera detector. This Buckle was originally carved in a WOOD but we changed this beautiful master piece of work in aluminium mould, now it looks even better and beautiful fashionable belt buckle…
[redferret via spycamera]
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