November 18, 2009

We Will See Microsoft Azure Next Year

We Will See Microsoft Azure Next Year
As it is expected Windows Azure has been baptized as and consists of a series of services and software that are executed in remote data centers - not in the team of the user, acceded to that is through Internet. This facilitates to always work with the last versions and to visualize your document where you want. Of Azure one hopes that it competes with similar products of Amazon, IBM or Google. He will be gratuitous until the month of February, that is to say, you will be a day old to prove it.

About Microsoft Azure by Microsoft:

Windows Azure is a cloud services operating system that serves as the development, service hosting and service management environment for the Windows Azure platform. Windows Azure provides developers with on-demand compute and storage to host, scale, and manage web applications on the internet through Microsoft® datacenters.

Windows Azure is an open platform that supports Microsoft and non-Microsoft languages and environments. To build applications and services on Windows Azure, developers can use their existing Microsoft® Visual Studio® expertise. In addition, Windows Azure supports popular standards and protocols including SOAP, REST, XML, and PHP.


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