June 10, 2009

Elegant Embellishments Ltd Looks so Strange

Elegant Embellishments ltd Looks so Strange It looks so strange. How about having this one with your house? This Elegant Embellishments Ltd displayed their 'prosolve 370e' as part of the dmy allstars exhibition at DMY design festival 09.

The air cleaning quasicrystalline structure is based on an innovative derivative of
five-fold symmetries. they are assembled from only two module types to yield highly
complex structures. as functional ornamentation, they increase the efficacy of the
photocatalytic tio02 coating in the decomposition of air pollution. prosolve370e was first
shown as part of 'updating germany': projects for a better future at the german pavillion,
11th architecture biennale venice 2008.

[DMY via elegantembellishments]

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