April 4, 2009

Intel Opens Data Center Efficiency Challenge

Intel Opens Data Center Efficiency Challenge

This is a very interesting event which will be organized by Intel. Data Center Efficiency Challenge is a very special work in the IT sector. If you are interested in this challenge then you can check out the official rule here.

The Challenge seeks to identify innovative solutions to reduce energy and costs
associated with data-center operations using Intel technology, and to highlight
the role technology plays in the overall efficiency and sustainability of
organizations. For the purposes of this Challenge, “Intel technology” is defined
as Intel® Xeon® processor 5500 series-based servers or other Intel based server
platforms currently available in the marketplace. Interested Participants may
submit video proposals at the Challenge Website for one of two categories:
Enterprise or Small Business. For the purposes of the Challenge, Intel defines
Enterprise as an organization with greater than 200 employees and/or running at
least a 5,000 square foot data center space, and Small Business as an
organization with fewer than 200 employees and/or a less than 5,000 square foot
data center space. The participants with the top proposal for each category will
be awarded a grand prize package including the following: one Intel Xeon
Processor 5500 series-based server; one energy efficient netbook or mobile PC;
dinner with Lorie Wigle, general manager of Intel’s Eco-Technology Program
Office and president of the Climate Savers Computing Initiative, and her team at
the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) to discuss implementation of the winning
proposals; the organization’s name featured on Intel.com; a guest spot
discussing the proposal in an Intel Chip Chat podcast interview with Allyson
Klein, Manager of Server Software Strategy and Technology Evangelism at Intel;
and a trip for one member of the organization to IDF in San Francisco (trip
includes airfare from a major North American city to San Francisco, 3 nights
hotel lodging, and a full conference pass to IDF), where the winners will be
recognized and will meet with Patrick Gelsinger, senior vice president of
Intel’s Digital Enterprise Group. One runner-up in each of the two categories
will receive an energy efficient netbook or mobile PC and a one-hour
teleconference consultation with Intel’s datacenter efficiency technologists to
discuss their proposal.


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