January 28, 2008

Nokia Joins WWF Climate Savers With Key Energy Initiatives

Nokia has joined the WWFt, is one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organizations, Climate Savers program with a pledge to build on its strong environmental record by improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions across its business. WWF has a global network active in over 100 countries with almost 5 million supporters. The company is targeting a series of energy savings including halving the stand by energy used by its mobile phone chargers, using green electricity to power 50 per cent of its facilities by 2010 and reducing the overall energy needs of its sites by 6 per cent by 2012.

The targets are part of Nokia's existing Climate Change Strategy. Its commitment to these has been reinforced by joining the WWF Climate Savers program, a collaboration between one of the world's largest global conservation organizations and business to show leadership in addressing climate change.

Around two thirds of the energy consumed by a mobile phone during its use is lost when it is fully charged and unplugged but the charger is left connected to the mains, so called "no-load" mode. Over the last nine years Nokia has reduced the average no-load energy used by its chargers by over 50 per cent and its best-in-class charger needs just one tenth of the power used by the most common chargers.

Nokia aims to reduce the average no-load power consumption by another 50 per cent by the end of 2010. It will also roll out reminders for consumers to unplug the charger from the electricity outlet once the phone has been fully charged across its product range by the end of 2008.

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